Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hump Day Schump Day

Have yet to find a job. So I'm not too down yet, just thinking I'm going to have to get the inevitable "stuggling waitress trying to break in to the entertainment business" job. Oh well, I'm not worried about it though. Waiters and waitresses actually make a lot of scratch out here, so I wouldn't be starving by any means. However, I did get a call back from a reputable company today which is encouraging. I should be interviewing next week so keep your fingers crossed for me plee!
My days are starting to bleed together this week. My cash flow is slow and low so I'm laying that way for now. Sent out some more resumes, ran to the beach and then had some phone conversations with some connections I have for potential jobs.

As any friends who read this know, and some of you don't, Newman had a case of heartworms when I found him. The vet told me to go ahead and wait until we arrived in California to treat him however, because once he has the treatment he has to be kept calm for a month. So no leash walks for Newman. The husky in him isn't too happy with that. Not only has he developed a nasty case of separation anxiety, he's also chewed on stuff for the first time since I've had him. First it was my phone charger, then he literally busted through our screen door with his head, and today I came home and he had chewed the zipper off of his dog bed and had distributed all of the stuffing everywhere! Oy. He never acted this way when I walked him every day. I hope both of us can take 3 more weeks of this...He also cries and howls for a good 15 minutes when I leave and it breaks my heart. Anyone out there have any good tips for dog anxiety?

Not much else going on.

I bought you these for Christmas:

Photos from Week two in Cali:
Week 2


  1. I just left you a really long comment about dogs... and days...
    and it wouldn't post it... DAMN.
    i said... feed newman a lot of bones and treats... doesn't the Dog Whisperer live near by?

  2. Now that you fixed it so I can comment, I'm not gonna comment at all. Ever. Except, wait, I'm doing it right now... crap!

