First, let me say that. And now, moving on. I start work tomorrow! Hooray. I was beginning to get pretty restless. Unemployment isn't all it's wrapped up to be if you spend all of your time looking for jobs. Perhaps if my time off work were fully funded I could have enjoyed it more, but whatever, I'm just grateful to have a job. I am again, a waitress. I thought maybe I would never do this again, but here I am, and it's OK. It's going to be a much different experience than my last one as a server in a restaurant. This is a bit more upscale, and I make 4 times the hourly rate than I ever did in Texas. The people seem nice there, and it will be fun to have to learn more about food and wine. Ain't nothin' wrong wit dat! I will meet people, and I'll still have the flexibility to go on interviews during the day, which is good.
You can check it out here:
I thought it was a good sign that the name of the place is Gulfstream, which also happens to be the name of me da's company. It's nice name, and I hope it's a nice place that gives me nice money. Isn't that nice?
I've been sick the last few days so I haven't written much. I'm having a spurt right now but I fear that it is due to the daytime cold meds that I'm partaking in. Cold meds weeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Nasa's Photo of the day for yous:

My Prison Bitch Name is apparently: Butt Slammer.
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