Tomorrow will be my 10th day in a row of work. I would love a day off but don't get one until Sunday. Have stuff to say but not a lot of energy to say it. Found this through one of my favorite photography blogs. By an artist named Xavier Chassaing, using still photographs and stop-motion animation. Pretty cool stuff.
SCINTILLATION from Xavier Chassaing on Vimeo.
I also watched this Spectacle tonight, Elvis Costello's show on the Sundance Channel. The guests were The Police. They still sound good, but Stuart Copeland and Sting's egos still seem to clash uncomfortably.
I cut my finger at work yesterday and had to go to the minor emergency clinic. That's all I got, me tired. Byeeee.
I am going to get you a chain-mail lime cutting glove as a belated Presidents Day gift. Tally-hoo-hooooo!