Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Cove movie

Blood Stays Blue

So, something that has been on my mind lately, and I guess, well something that is always on my mind as a person who considers the ocean part of their chemical make-up...

Over-fishing, Endangered Marine Animals, general Oceanic cleanliness, or lack thereof.

When I volunteered for the Newport Beach Film Festival I had the opportunity to watch a film called The beautifully crafted, such an emotional subject matter...and something to dear to my heart, having grown up sailing with my family on the South coast of Texas and always around dophins in their natural habitat. I won't give the entire synopsis of the film away, but only say that if you have the means of renting or Netflixing this film, do it! It will change you a bit. I had the honor of shaking the filmmaker's hands with tears in my eyes after being so moved by the film. I will never step foot in a Sea World knowing what's involved in obtaining these animals for captivity.

Here also, is a bit about sustainable Urban Fish farming, which is an interesting concept worth investigating. I still won't eat Tilapia though. Tastes like mud.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

9 Days Until Cabo...

Just feelin' like videos today. Yaay.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Waiting for the Sun

Something I've been thinking about for a while. How does one get to the pure human being? What defines us? Our things? Our hobbies? Our looks, our personalities?

What happens when we strip away our name brand shit, our cars, our destinations?

We just live I guess. We engage in the one thing that connects us all. The dullness and the beauty and the chaos of everyday life.

When I'm conscious of it, when I's at those times when I feel most real. When I'm fully engaged in those moments that connect me, you, everyone else, with the rest of the world in a matter of instants.

I'm tired. Can I share that with you in a universal way?

Love, Love and more love.

But don't tread on my heart.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Memo

Well, it's been so long since I've written I dunno if anyone even reads this still. Things have been pretty nutty in life lately, and I haven't made the ole creative effort or had the urge to blog about much. But here I am, back in action Jackson, attempting to say...something I guess.

Not going to go into details of what's been going on, but let's just say that I've been reminded of what's important in life, and although it has made me take a hard look at my decision to move out here, it has also been an inspiration to get my butt in gear and meet my goals.

Not too much new to report, I'm still in awe of the out here and I'm so excited to spend my first summer in sunny, Southern California. I feel so lucky to drive to work every day and get to look at the Pacific Ocean on my right and the mountains to my left. The water is still a little too cold for my taste, supposedly June and July it will be warm enough to swim in...I can't wait!

I've recently hooked up with some North Texas alums living in Los Angeles and have started talking about a possible collaboration on some new projects...some short film ideas, some longer form series types of ideas...exciting stuff. It's been nice to spend some time not only with like-minded, creative types, but also peeps that have some of the same grounded Texan sensibilities. Makes it feel a little more cozy here in a place that is so different. Other than that, not too much new to report. Newman is doing well, and sweeter than ever. I'm so happy to have my little buddy with me on this adventure.

Here is yet another lovely perfume commercial for Chanel No. 5 that I came across...