So, something that has been on my mind lately, and I guess, well something that is always on my mind as a person who considers the ocean part of their chemical make-up...
Over-fishing, Endangered Marine Animals, general Oceanic cleanliness, or lack thereof.
When I volunteered for the Newport Beach Film Festival I had the opportunity to watch a film called The beautifully crafted, such an emotional subject matter...and something to dear to my heart, having grown up sailing with my family on the South coast of Texas and always around dophins in their natural habitat. I won't give the entire synopsis of the film away, but only say that if you have the means of renting or Netflixing this film, do it! It will change you a bit. I had the honor of shaking the filmmaker's hands with tears in my eyes after being so moved by the film. I will never step foot in a Sea World knowing what's involved in obtaining these animals for captivity.
Here also, is a bit about sustainable Urban Fish farming, which is an interesting concept worth investigating. I still won't eat Tilapia though. Tastes like mud.
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