Monday, March 2, 2009

Child Dust Peeps

So it's been quite a while and I've got no excuses. Working a lot, check, enjoying time off from work, check. Just like everyone else in the world. Check. Doesn't mean I can't take the measley time it takes to write a little bit each day. Laziness, and there is no other excuse. Well, that and Tivo. It's sucking my will to live. And I don't even watch more than an hour a day! If even that!!! But it is still more TV than before I had Tivo.

Johnette has been gone and while it's been nice to have a little time to myself, I also miss her. She's spending her days on the big island of Hawaii with our friends Shea, Diane, and Mykal. I hope they're having a wonderful time and I hear Shea will get to swim with the dolphins tomorrow, which I'm sure will be quite the experience.

Work has been OK, just trying to do my best keeping the bar in order, and learning everything I can to be the best bar tender I can be. I cut the tip of my finger off at work a few weeks ago, and finally, after a few weeks of bandages, antiseptic surgical glue, and steri-strips, it appears to be healing. It's funny because the part of my finger that the doctor glued back on actually fell off after the bandages came off and a new finger tip was growing in underneath. The body is amazing in the ways that it heals itself.

If only the brain and the psyche were as resilient. Well, I don't think I'll be playing guitar for a while, but my new finger tip seems to be typing successfully. It still stings a little, but I'm sure to be a 100%, finger-wise anyway, in a few days. Thanks to the wonderful medical professionals at Newport Walk-In clinic, Dr. Lindsay and a bevy of helpful nurses, My new finger tip will live long and prosper.

That's all for now. I promise it won't be as long next time. For now, I leave you with this...

1 comment:

  1. maybe you could think of it as slicing off all the negativity in your body. It all lived in your tippy-tip. Now a more resilient you is growing back in its place. Maybe you should get a little micro tattoo on it. Rad!

    Harsh way to go about procuring a good story though!

    Love you seeps!
